The Olivier LeFloch Newsletters – Issue No. 10

FONFA opens 2018 with a bumper edition of the Olivier Le Floch Newsletters about the American 367th Fighter Group, the 10th Newsletter in the series. This contains the second part of the description of their huge dogfight on August 25th 1944, with the pilots of II/JG6. Around sixty aircraft were engaged in this dogfight, all of which occurred at low level, mostly below 3000 feet. There are several personal combat reports and escape stories included and the tally of aircraft and pilots lost, injured and captured.

This is followed by more personal pilots’ stories, and details of Richard Bong’s P-38 in the Museum in Duluth, Minnesota, where his P-38 Lightning has a permanent resting place.

Finally, there is the complete mission list for November 1944, illustrating once again the sheer relentlessness of the missions, the variety of targets assigned, the adverse weather and the attrition in pilots and machines, as the Group fought its way across France, towards eventual victory over the Third Reich. Newsletter 367th Fighter Group issue 10

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